The Relevance of Solar Energy in the Agricultural Development of Nigeria

Publisher: JOTERD {"id":3,"volume_name":"Vol 4 Number 1","created_at":null,"updated_at":null,"url":"volumes\/4.jpg"} (1): 1: doi: 1 Published in 2013

Energy is one of the key factors to sustainable development and one major backbone for developing an economy. It is of different kinds and forms with broad divisions under the renewable and nonrenewable energy sources. As energy demand around the world increases, there is need for diversification of renewable energy resources available. Solar energy as a form of renewable energy if maximally employed and utilized can meet up to such demand especially in the agricultural sector. In agriculture, taking energy from the sun is a natural process. Plants absorb the sun's rays and store the energy; animals and human beings eat the plants, utilizing the energy for survival. Nigeria is abundantly blessed with solar radiation. Harnessing this free gift of nature from the sun for agricultural productivity in the country is very important as it is one sure way to boosting agricultural output thus adding more value to her economic status since it is the fundamental economic base upon which developing economies depend. Its importance ranges from provision of food for human consumption to raw material for agro-based industries. Man and his environment cannot survive without solar energy since it is the catalyst for primary production of food (carbon source) for all herbivores and subsequently the starting for all industries. With all these in mind, one would agree convincingly that agriculture and solar energy are truly a natural fit both to plant, man and his environment. This paper focuses on solar energy application potentials in some agricultural practices in Nigeria. Areas of application include crop drying, green house heating, remote electricity supply, space and water heating/ disinfection. It also highlights some limitations to its application in agriculture and the various strategies through which they can be tackled. Also highlighted is solar energy as a form of renewable energy source and its several forms. Keywords: solar energy, agriculture, photovoltaic, Nigeria


Copyright © 2017 Federal College of Education Technical, Umunze. In Collaboration with Tertiary Education Fund (TETFUND)